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RUSSELL T MOBLEY, aka is a Personal Empowerment Life Coach, H.W.S., a HeartWalker, Singer, Songwriter, Speaker, Adventurer, I AM Method Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Yoga Therapy Teacher, Integral Breath Therapist, Enlightenment Intensive Practitioner and a follower of Christ’s Teachings. His past excelled him into National Award-Winning Positions in the corporate professional world of the office, automotive and chemical industries.

Beyond all of his personal and professional accomplishments, Russ is a heartwalkin’ big kid, which means that he lives from his youthful spirit with an open heart and has fun doing it wherever he goes, even if life is hard and difficult. From an early age Russ’ love for life was huge, natural and easy having a love and care for others in a way where he has never met a stranger.

He was raised in a religious southern Baptist home in S.C. and has always enjoyed learning about God, the adventure of life, sports, the outdoors, people, and singing music. He was raised on southern gospel and country music.


By the age of 28 Russ achieved the American dream having a well-paying job, wife, 2 kids, house, friends and a dog. However, the mental pressures of the American dream and the Religious ideals drove Russ into the throws of mental depression and addiction.

It escalated to the point where he wanted to end his life from the subtle yet constant state of feeling hopeless. Russ realized that God in the form of organized religion didn’t work for him. He depended on himself, family, work, money and the educational system way too much. It wasn't working for him,…something was missing and very wrong. Behind his big smile he was in a a lot of mental and emotional pain and suffering and didn't know it during the time.

Russ used sociably acceptable things like food, alcohol, work, exercise, money, power and drugs to manage the pain and disconnection that he felt deep within that was robbing him of his natural state of peace and joy.

In 1992, at 33 years old, Russ hit his bottom feeling depressed and realized that he was powerless and out of control. He came to believe that there was a power greater than his concepts and of himself and became rigorously honest for the first time in his life about what was really going on inside. He found people who had felt the same that had recovered from living a depressed, addictive, conceptual fear based life.

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Attending 12 Step meetings was a safe place for him to begin his healing process from the past hurts and fears. He even checked himself into a an Eating Disorder and Codependent Mental Hospital. It was there that he honored his life and all of the things that was blocking him from the truth. Russ learned to trust others and himself so he could heal from the inside out vs from there outside in.

On this journey, Russ’ heart opened even more and he discovered that nothing could alter his new profound discovery of his true self. World events, family struggles, divorce, and resigning from his secure corporate position to honor his heart was done with gentleness and grace.


In 2012, at 53 years old, he traveled to Turkey exploring, seeking and learning more about following his heart. When he returned, life presented him to buy an RV. He rented his home and headed south towards North Carolina to visit family and friends. He discovered that his love for living by faith, not by site, trusting his heart, is what he now calls heart-walkin’.

On the journey, he became a full time musician, which was one of his dreams. He also met a renowned Yoga Master, Shri Amritji, Amrit Desai that brought the authentic Yoga to the west in the mid 60’s. Russ was personally trained by him and his daughter Kamini, which is a very rare experience. He learned to connect to his true nature, allowing his body, mind and heart to heal and merge together in unity with his soul, which is what yoga means. From 2014 to 2019 he practiced this inner dimension of yoga and healing living in a spiritual community called an ashram, where he continued traveling in America, India and Iceland embodying the authentic teachings of Yoga and merging them with his Biblical and 12 step Addiction Recovery understandings and experiences.

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As a result of all of his inner work, Russ now shares the teachings, tools, and lessons learned from his personal transformational experience. He loves helping others who are ready to let go of past hurts with peace of mind, so they are clear on exactly who they are and what they want. His message is clearly to encourage, challenge and motivate everyone to follow their heart and to trust their True Authentic Self to emerge. That lights him up more than anything!

His mission and passion for life is a fun-filled, heart-centered life. Out of that, connecting people to their spiritual heart and to their love of life is the most rewarding process he has witnessed for himself and others. There is nothing more powerful and fulfilling than helping others be their True Authentic Self!

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Russ began writing poems and songs when he plugged into his heart. After 25 years of writing songs, Russ entered the studio in 2017 and recorded his message of recovery on his Debut Album, Journey Into The Heart that was released in January 2018. His message reveals the self-created suffering that led him into the expansive peace of the heart.

It’s filled with uplifting and inspirational songs in the style of ballads, soft rock, country, blue grass and the sounds of reggae with the Christian southern gospel country feel he was raised in.

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In 2019 Russ followed his heart on a spiritual pilgrimage, walking 1117 miles in 107 days. He walked from Salt Springs FL to Chicago IL. He walked, traveling alone on state, local and county roads with a backpack carrying all of his food, clothing and shelter. He received the guidance from his heart and canceled his performances and work shops, and walked in the mid-90 degree sunny and rainy FL weather beginning on July 24th, arriving in Chicago on November 7th, 2019. It was 22 degrees that evening. He currently is writing a book on his journey about the lessons learned and experiences he had. You can follow many of the posts on his FB page, @heartwalkinproductions. under the hashtags, #walktochicago #heartwalkerrussmobley,

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 Russ met his wife Kenyon in 2014 while living and working at the Amrit Yoga Institute in the Ocala National Forest in central Florida. They married in 2017 and are committed to help each other grow and live at their highest expression. And yes, she totally supported him on his recent Heart Walk.

They both love God, nature, walks in the woods, and swimming in the natural springs near their home. They also enjoy practicing yoga as it brings the body, mind and heart together in harmony with their soul creating joy and peace with ease. Kenyon supports women in their spiritual transformation and is the author of her book, Relax with Life. Russ loves being her cheerleader 24/7!

Keep scrolling below to learn more about his journey and the tools he uses to heal himself and others..


“At his core, Russ’ brilliance is Transformer. His passion is living from the heart and building a global community of others who walk and live their own hearts. His spirit is forever young."

- Jan Black, 2012





HEART WALKIN’ ADVENTURER #walktochicago in 2019

from Salt Springs FL,

107 days, 1117 miles

Russ is a “HeartWalker”! Literally! Inspiring people all over the world to TAKE ACTION and live from their heart, reclaiming their joy with fearless action!

*Russ is currently writing about his walk in 2019, a 1117 mile spiritual HEARTWALKIN' pilgrimage - stay tuned!



Connect with Russ and discuss his Online and In-Person coaching program, “Empower Your True Self”. It will help you live and act courageously from your authentic heart and soul without being held back and down with mental depression and addictions. The Ultimate Result is living joyfully with clarity, confidence and power!

Learn what is holding you back!




Shifting from unconscious stressful thinking to consciously thinking, feeling and being will return you to your natural state of unity where your body, mind, heart and soul is at peace. POC is not the part of you that struggles with worry, anxiety, depression, stress, habits and addictions. Are you ready for a change? Russ will help you practice returning to your authentic self!



This ancient technique will take you to the deepest levels of relaxation. Russ will guide you with personal intention’s to heal the body and calm the mind so your whole body rests in profound stillness while awake.

Can you imagine unlocking and erasing self-destructive habits and behavior patterns. Study shows 30 - 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is as restorative as three hours of sleep. Please listen to my free gift.



Your body knows how to heal itself on all levels. When you learn to use the body’s wisdom as an access point to subtler patterns that you are not aware of barriers will be removed that creates imbalance, pain and self-created suffering. These barriers show up as headaches, stiffness, pain, circular thinking, poor posture, etc. Blocked energy is your pain!



IBT uses circular and conscious breathing techniques to naturally relax, cleanse, purify and balance the body and the psyche with increased oxygen. Oxygen is the single most important and powerful substance for the cells in your body to produce energy to sustain life. The breath is organic and powerful. Stressed and worried people do not breath in a healthy way! Do not wait!

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MUSIC - Journey Into The Heart Album

Uplifting and Inspirational songs in the style of ballads, soft rock, country, blue grass, reggae and southern gospel that captures Russ's journey of recovery, revealing the self-created suffering into the expansive peace of the heart.


MUSIC - Kirtan Chanting

Kirtan is an experience of Devotional Love. Imagine singing from your heart without any worry or concern about what you or others think. Loose your heart and mind to the God of your highest understanding, with your voice fully open, your mind calm, your body relaxed. Merge them all together with everyone as one voice, one body, one heart,….it is truly devotional love.


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I am forever grateful to my Teacher and Master Jesus Christ.

Christ taught me that I and the Father are One and that the Kingdom of God is within me at an early age. Over the years other teachers and masters showed up to assist me in my understanding, application and embodiment of this ancient Truth. My heart is open to them; Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob, Melody Beattie, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Moe Ross, Joel Goldsmith, Gurudev Shri Amritji-Amrit Desai, Micheal Singer and SadGuru.

There are many others like my parents, Mom and Dad, my brothers, family members, preachers, school teachers, and peers at work and in the community. People of authority and social status were all used to get me in touch with the spiritual dimension of my life.

I am also very grateful for the staff at the Rapha Treatment Center in Illinois and at Roger’s Memorial Hospital for being there at a time when I needed emotional and mental help. They played a significant role for me to spiritually wake up to see what was blocking me from my true authentic Self.

As Joel Goldsmith wrote, “Spirit goes before me, as Me, making the crooked roads straight.” I can see clearly that I have been prepared to help and heal. Life is a miracle.


And to quote Christ, He said, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free,” “that the Kingdom of God is within me,” and to “love my neighbor as myself.”

Living with this intention has revealed all of the faith, hope, courage and love that I am,….and I feel grateful with an open heart.

I appreciate you reading my Bio!

With my palms together at my heart and eyes gazing into yours I bow with reverence saying, “Jai Bhagwan!“

(means -Victory To the Spirit in you and me)

As you can tell from the outline of my life story,

HeartWalkin’ is all about living from the heart and following the love. Literally, unplugging from your head and plugging into your heart and trusting the natural flow of life. It’s following the inner intuitive guidance and trusting yourself to do the right thing consciously without allowing intellectual fear and a closed heart of nervousness, anxiety and worry force you to live a life feeling regret, insecurity and fearfulness every step.

Trusting your GPS (Global Positioning System) for your car, takes alot of faith. The same is true for your life. Life’s GPS, (Gods Personal Source) for your life. Trusting the Omni-present Presence inside of you is so simple to do but people have trained themselves to not listen to it. Your GPS, is Source within you. All of your negative emotions and thoughts reflects from it. It’s everywhere, consistent and all powerful. Completely effortless containing all that will ever be beyond words.

Living from the heart, is only difficult if you resist it. You know it is there. It’s an invisible, spiritual thing. All one can do is simply rest back into the seat of your Self and feel the gentleness of it, let go and trust your True Nature to lead. That’s it. That’s Heart-Walkin’. It’s a connection to the Spiritual Heart. There are many names people use to describe it like God, Life, Source, Science, Bhagwan, Jesus, Master, Truth, etc. Trying to describe what is indescribable can be difficult.

What I do know is shifting from your head to your heart takes courage and effort, and in most cases help from another who gets you. That’s where I come in.

I am here to help you exercise all of your will-power including your time, energy and resources to get in touch with your True Authentic Self. Let me invite you to exploring your true Self . It is the most intimate, powerful, exciting, and loving thing you will ever do.

After reading this, do you confirm you are a HeartWalker? To know yourself,…to be more aware of your true Self,…if yes, now the real work begins, which is to go deeper and continue to cleanse and purify the mind, body and heart.

You know what you did to get this far, you might as well keep going all the way!

Let’s go!

Contact me!



If you haven’t done so, sign up for your FREE “EMPOWER YOUR TRUE SELF” Breakthrough Session, and for the MEDITATION TUESDAY Evening Session at 9 pm Eastern Standard Time. You will receive my ongoing newsletters.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Love and Blessings,
