freeing a negative mood

I find it interesting to discover why I get stuck in a thought or emotional patterns that bring on negative behaviors that I really don’t enjoy. Every time I do the work to be reminded of my truth it frees me to act in a way that occurs as loving, gentle and fun.

And what’s so crazy, is when I ignore all of the little signals to show me this. When I do something that drives me into a deeper state of not feeling good or when I know I don’t want to feel or be that way, that in itself is a sure wakeup call to listen to my highest self calling out to me loud and clear. It takes so much effort and energy to ignore these natural and easy messages that are always there.

This knowing is beautiful. Why in the world would I ever want to ignore my true conscious loving self? There are no good answers for that question. Of course I can explain why, but that is purely intellectual. If I rest back into my awareness and act from that place of consciousness, my life is nothing but an amazing miracle.

I hope you pay attention to these little messages in your own life. There is nothing more amazing than living from a place that has no boundaries or fear. Of course there are always something that appears as resistance but when we keep living and acting from our state of grounded consciousness, nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop us from being at peace.

Life is so beautiful even when its ugly, and even when it hurts. We have to have perspective. Thats just part of being human. Think about it. If we can make peace with the worst of our life experience our whole life becomes beautiful and awesome without doing anything.

We’re simply happy for no reason. This is a simple yet profound shift of awareness. And that my dear friend is my my heart felt note to you!

May you have a great day discovering the essence of life and practice what I am saying.


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