From My Heart To Yours
“Living from your heart is your
key to freedom.”
Stop struggling…
The secret of non-struggle is to realize that you are not the struggle you see or feel.
When people deal with small things they can easily turn away from them with simple willpower, meaning that you can manage your thinking and actions without additional pain and suffering.
When the small things are left unattended, they become lodged in the mind and body, and their residency takes up your time, energy and willpower, leaving the real you tainted and misdirected no matter what you do, wherever you go or whoever you are with.
Stop struggling…
Let your heart lead…
The secret of non-struggle is to realize that you are not the struggle you see or feel.
When people deal with small things they can easily turn away from them with simple willpower, meaning that you can manage your thinking and actions without additional pain and suffering.
When the small things are left unattended, they become lodged in the mind and body, and their residency takes up your time, energy and willpower, leaving the real you tainted and misdirected no matter what you do, wherever you go or whoever you are with.
When that happens people live in constant disappointment saying they are changing their mind, but they are not. Their mind is leading them around like a dog leading its owner around on a visible or invisible leash.
The more we allow the untrained, mind to lead, the more disconnected, we feel from our true authentic self.
So where does one go from here? Sadly to say, no where? The mind is illusionary even though you have data coming at you non-stop.
You, the real you, witnesses and watches your thinking and actions filling the mind with data that takes you away from your true authentic self if you allow it.
This outline describes what all people try to undo for their whole life. It is their attempt to bridle the mind and stop the pain and suffering that is lodged in there.
And that is the problem of struggling. The only way to let go of it is to let go completely. You must let go of your mind and body and at the same time use the mind and body versus the mind and body using you.
At this point, thats where people fall back on their old ways and techniques of staying stuck, sick, tired, angry and lonely with no way of healing through their own effort.
Trust me, your mind and body won’t like this, and you will witness it all.
And I must say, you will not disintegrate into nothingness because you already are - nothingness. You are the nothingness that your mind and body came from, and your body and mind is purely physical in very subtle to gross forms.
You are what I referred to as heart. Heart is spirit. Heart is invisible presence. This is not anything weird or far out. You have been with yourself since the beginning of time. It’s the only thing about you that doesn’t change.
This is where I love to introduce the concept of the heart because it is the link to get you back to you. The soul of you. The invisible part of you that maintains and sustains sanity, peace, love and joy. It’s always there.
Your heart is the only thing that keeps you connected to the truth and the truth can return you back to your true self if you let it.
There is nothing to do, no place to go, no books to read, no courses to take, no FB to watch, no posts to make, no songs to sing, no people to please, no prayers to beg for, no God to meet or get rid of, no sickness to fear. There is no physical form of any kind to help you struggle less or more. Nothing.
When you wake up to this fact, you will begin to detach from the external world and shift into your internal world.
You will rebirth yourself. You will free yourself. You will learn to love and live without the pain and suffering even though life remains as it is on the outside, you will feel life totally different.
The most exciting experience in life is not one from the mind but one from your true authentic self. When you go through this process you will be amazed. Actually you’re going through it now. How does it feel?
Please wake up to the fact that your life is not a test run and not a race to be lived to see who can collect the most knowledge, toys or experiences. Life is not about how many friends you have or how much money you can make.
Life is not about competing and comparing, hoarding or earning.
Life is nothing but love, light and unending joy and you don’t have to heal or die to experience it. There is no there. That is all the bullshit that the mind created without you.
Don’t believe it. Don’t follow it. Don’t concede to it. Don’t do anything.
Rest back into nothingness. Practice watching it. Learn to relax seeing it.
This is not hard to do. However, what is hard and very difficult to do is to feel your feelings without acting on them and to not to anything with your thoughts. Just let them be there. Let them be a part of you because they are.
In this letting go process you will know what to do or not do in each moment. You won’t even have to think about it.
Without any effort, you will realize that you are walking your mind and you are walking your body. You are no longer under the trance of an unconscious and hypnotic way of living.
You will feel and be alive in every way beyond your knowing and understanding.
If this sounds right to you, real and true, know you are on the path of the heart. Allow your heart to lead and guide you.
May you have an authentic moment right now accepting yourself as you are and take all the necessary actions today needed to expand your heart.
You are not a mistake and you can’t do anything wrong. Your heart and mind will never lie to you and you will always be the see’er, watch’er and witnessing presence that occurs as infinite non-mental love. It’s you!
This is all I have to say right now to you about this. Absorb these words. Feel them. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Be gentle.
And when in doubt, always resort back to love, love, and more love. Love yourself from the heart.
Have a beautiful day no matter how much it hurts or how good it feels. This is your new way. You will never ever be unaware of the divine presence you are. Sound crazy. Good, because when you can see crazy, you know it’s not you.
This is “what your heart has to say”. It’s speaking to you.
Stop struggling.
How to have LOVE pour through your Heart
We all talk about the LOVE we’ve had, want or need in all of it’s forms. And who wants to be wanting for a place, person or experience that seems to always be just out of reach during your life here on earth. Or to live feeling their broken heart, hurt and sadness and unmet prayers everyday? Who wants to be unhappy in their relationships, jobs or where they live no matter what they do or where they go. Or moreover, to have a belief or faith that leaves them feeling hopeless and helpless.
Believe it or not, YOU are way beyond the love you seek…
We all talk about the LOVE we’ve had, want or need in all of it’s forms. And who wants to be wanting for a place, person or experience that seems to always be just out of reach during your life here on earth. Or to live feeling their broken heart, hurt and sadness and unmet prayers everyday? Who wants to be unhappy in their relationships, jobs or where they live no matter what they do or where they go. Or moreover, to have a belief or faith that leaves them feeling hopeless and helpless.
I know,…it’s shocking to see and hear the voice in my own head talk this way much less listen to and watch how other people struggle with this dilemma. This physical world seems to make seeking and searching a full time job to change the way people see themselves,….and still, they come up short time and time again. Pretty depressing. However, there is a way out.
Hebrew, Christian, Mohammedan or Buddhist, Saint or Sinner, have one thing in common,….they all in their own way try to bridle the mind and turn to the spiritual kingdom to open their consciousness to the activity and power of “The Christ” within their own being.
And why? Because intuitively, you know a closed heart when you feel it from your own experience. A heart that has not been opened will not allow love to flow into the untouched remains of the Soul.
PS. - I hope you have the spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear this Heart Opening message within yourself! Your mind will probably say something like, “I’m busy or I don’t have enough time.” Let me encourage you to STOP. Don’t listen to it. ASK your heart if this is something you need to listen to and if it says yes, do it.
Listen to it from and through your heart. It will take you 52:02 minutes.
Love and Blessings to you,