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Meditation Tuesday

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Meditation Tuesday begins at 9:00pm EST and lasts for One Hour.

10 - 15 Minute set up, meet and outline | 30 - 35 Minute experience |10 - 15 Minute discussion and closing | Ends at 10:00pm EST.

Meditation Tuesday is a time to rest and relax back using an ancient effortless sleep-based, non-denominational guided meditation thats called Yoga Nidra (meaning an integrated restful sleep), that brings you into deep levels of meditation and physical restoration using the evolutionary use of your biological process just like when you go to sleep. We will use therapeutic techniques, such as relaxed breathing, simple body awareness exercises, visualizations and affirmations to bring about positive changes in the body and mind.

To prepare, simply lie down as if you are going to sleep for the night. If that is not available, you can sit up in a chair in a comfortable position with your shoes off and feet flat on the floor. Sit up tall, allowing your spine to be straight as possible in a relaxed position, with your hands resting on your thighs, palms facing up.

If you are lying down, allow your arms to rest comfortably at your side, palms up. Eyes closed. You can support your neck, low back and knees with a cushion or blanket as needed. You will want to try to remain motionless as possible throughout the experience so you can remain in total relaxation.

We will be on a Zoom call so you will want to create a space that is comfortable and have a place for your computer or phone that will not distract you. Once we begin, all you have to do is follow my guidance. The actual guided meditation will be approximately 30 minutes long. The hardest part about this meditation is not falling asleep. You can’t do anything wrong. Just relax and let go.

Everyone is welcome to attend. So please invite your friends and enjoy.  You will relax, feel peaceful and begin your inner healing at the deepest level in your being.

Meditation Tuesday’s are FREE and open for all. Many people have asked if they can give me a donation so I have listed a couple ways to make your donation if you feel moved. You can use: or

If you would like to give in another way, let me know. Donations are typically between $5.00 to $20.00 for the 1-hour session. Thank you! 🙏🏻

January 2

Event Two