From My Heart To Yours
“Living from your heart is your
key to freedom.”
Hiding Your Light
Hiding your Light is hiding your Truth.
One of the most profound moments I have ever had is when I realized that, I am one with the Light and I am all that I need and I don’t want or need anyone or anything to give me something to be ok is when I woke up. I had to wake up and come to realize that only I can make that decision.
Hiding your Light is hiding your Truth.
One of the most profound moments I have ever had is when I realized that, I am one with the Light and I am all that I need and I don’t want or need anyone or anything to give me something to be ok is when I woke up. I had to wake up and come to realize that only I can make that decision.
It’s so hard for me to see and understand this unless I have lived enough life to have perspective on the felt disappointment from my own decisions.
Letting your truth out and coming out of hiding is not easy because of the programming and peer pressure. Think about how this plays out in your life.
I remember, once I was sitting in a room full of people who had woken up to the fact that they had used and are still using things to create a light of happiness inside of their heart. They had believed that happiness was an outside thing to be achieved.
They had to generate from external sources like competing and comparing with others to use money, alcohol, food, knowledge, experience, power, winning, etc,….and most of all hiding their truth from everyone including themselves.
I knew I didn’t want their problems or solutions and I wouldn’t trade my life with theirs for anything, yet I was drawn to stay and listen to rediscover my own truth and figure out what it was that was blocking me from living free.
My Light needed to come out of me. I had to own it. I was ready to be ok in the light of my own consciousness. I had heard all my life about sin and the ego and addictions, etc,….bla, bla,…bla,….but now it was my time to get honest with me and let someone see and hear it. Could I really survive and allow people to feel and have their own reactions?
The real question was, “Am I able to feel it and can I handle my own reactions to it.?”
It’s sad how I keep denying myself for the sake of others. Why do I keep trying to empower and help others when I seem to be so afraid to be who I am. Please don’t miss the point I am speaking of. It is the fact that I am alive, well and truth, yet I act as if I am not.
If I hide it from myself thats what I call depression,…I’m literally depressing it down! It’s not a negative thing or a negative word but I can tell you it feels like shit. Excuse the French. Use the word poop if that makes you feel better. But crap is crap. I have to throw the garbage out and keep the good stuff in my head, heart and body. This is rocket science!
For example, if I live my whole life trying not to swear because someone, somewhere said thats a swear word, and your ‘re bad if you say that, and you’re going to hell, and God will never love you, and I will reject you too,…..please! That’s absolutely crazy talk.
When I got the guts, strength and courage to say it out loud to myself, where others could hear, I realized God didn't reject or shame me, but took me in his or her arms figuratively, and I never felt so much love - ever!
So, sitting in the room of people, I explained to them that I was afraid to be honest with them, because if I did they would leave me and reject me just like I explained . BUT, I am here to tell you that was almost 20 years ago. I am no longer willing to live that way. I spoke my truth, they listened, I cried, I laughed in fear, I shook in nervousness, I sweated in worry and in faith, I spoke my truth and I got it out,……and in the end,…..I lived! Ahhhh! Experience is the best teacher I know for me!
So, I must ask you, “What is your light? What is your truth? Are you able willing and able to let it out of hiding?”
Please let me encourage, challenge and motivate you to live from your heart and feel your pain and let it guide you into the room where your light shines brightly. Let it fill you with enough strength and hope to propel you into NOT hiding your light.
Now here’s the truth from my own experience. My truth will never, ever let me go. It will remain forever in my mind and heart until I allow it to be released physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This is a fact. This has nothing to do with guilt or shame.
What I just said does not have to be understood by you mentally at all, however, you know exactly what I’m talking about intuitively.
That is the Light of consciousness that I speak of. It’s common sense. It’s Truth. It’s You. Let yourself out. Let your light shine. Do not hide it under anything. Live with dignity, honor and respect. Surround yourself with people who can handle it.
And just like the picture with the lamp, you see the coat over the light,….get up, go over and remove the coat, let your light shine.
No more hiding.