Do you have a felt sense
Felt sense…
Have you ever felt like your mind is taking you for a journey you don’t want to be on? Meaning its serving you in a busy, negative and stressed-out and inward way of living?
Have you ever felt like your body is not the way you want it to be, especially when you look in the mirror or how it feels physically? Meaning you want your body different than it is.
Have you ever felt like your heart hurts so much it keeps you living with deep rooted secrets and feelings from days, years and decades gone past that hurts you, but you realize that these hurt feelings are living with you fully in the present right here with you wherever you go? Meaning that you are consciously and unconsciously arranging your whole life trying not re-experience the hurt that is stored somewhere in your mind and body.
Know that you are not alone. This way of living is tiring. Most people live this way and they truly believe by their own thinking and belief system that this way of living is normal. Dealing with it is what you’re suppose to do until you die.
Nothing is farther from the truth.
Life is nothing but a pure FELT SENSE of light, love and eternal bliss.
I discovered my truth when I reached out and received help from someone who experienced being transformed from this old way of living to the new. I had the key to the door to my freedom all along, but I wasn’t ready until I knew I had the key. When I asked for help, I realized I was never able to go thru the door of transformation alone. Changing my old way of thinking, feeling and believing was scary and fearful.
The truth for you in this frame of mind of painful and fearful living is subtle, yet it will be your touchstone to catapult you into taking right action.
This FELT SENSE of knowingness is your true authentic self revealing the untruth lodged in your mind, body and heart. Trust me when I say, it will never go away. You are a beautiful being that will always shine on the light and darkness of this world.
You can trust yourself and live fully and freely.
Take this writing to speak to you directly, and seek and search deep and wide within your own being. You know what to do. You know where to go to set yourself free. You can not and will not ever make a mistake. Life will always guide you and give you what you need to return to your true authentic self.
Your body is your mind made manifest. Look at it, see it, feel it. It will guide you and show you very clearly what is not you. And I love to remind people wherever I go, that there is no time like the present to live your life fully.
Do you have a felt sense?