My body…


“Brussels sprouts” and “the body” is so far beyond what I think I know.

I do know that I have a body, however, I am not my body.

And just because I say it’s, “my body” does not make it so.

I do have thoughts, but I am not my thoughts.

Can you imagine how many times I have said, “my” body or “my” thoughts,…...hmmm.

I watch what I say since waking up.

New expressions of what I call “my body” keep showing up, and I’m not doing it since the beginning of my time in the womb.

No one in this world can make a body, including me.

So, I know it’s definitely not mine, but I do have one.

In this case today, I eat brussels sprouts and it turns into my body. So yes, I do have some control over what my body does feel like and look like.

The truth is, my body always tells me when it’s hungry, and what it needs. And if I listen close enough, I will honor it.

And if I don’t listen close enough, the mind in this body always has something to say about it’s own agenda, as it partners with an emotional heart to make its decision.

Funny, it’s so easy to say it’s mine but it’s not, no more than thinking I am in control of the next evolutionarily expression of it.

It took me a long time to wake up to the fact that my body is the temple of God, or whatever you want to call the Source of life.

Though I may use the word “my” many times, I get it.

“I” is what I am when I take away the “am” and “the body.”

Then, the “I am” comes into my consciousness and there I go believing the I am is “the body” not the “I”.

So…..what is beyond what I think I know?

What is before and beyond what you think?

(((Shhhhh,……..Don’t answer……just listen.)))


Tell me why before…(suicide)


Do you have a felt sense